Bay & Bow Windows


Bay Window

bow window

Bow window

Concerto windows are made with certified PVC profiles in compliance with the AAMA-303 Standards. (North-American specifications for outdoor PVC profiles used in doors, windows and skylights.) This certification is a guarantee of quality, integrity and performance, and ensures long-term durability of window systems.

Concerto windows are designed to ensure optimal energy efficiency, by way of:

  • location of the window relative to the line of thermal insulation of the wall

  • the possibility of using triple glazed sealed units (1 ¼”)

  • the position of the internal walls of the frame profiles and component that minimize air movement and thus optimize the isolation level profiles

High energy efficiency Concerto Windows are essential elements to high quality residences. They allow, among other things, to significantly reduce heating and cooling costs while ensuring the comfort of the occupants. A simple way for the consumer, the designer or the architect to fi nd high energy efficiency windows is to look for the ENERGY STAR® label, while ensuring that the product model corresponds to the right climate zone or to colder zones in order to save even more energy. Common ENERGY STAR® qualified window has an average R-value of 3. Increasing the R-value to R5 reduces average heat loss through the windows by 40% and saves consumer money energy bills, thus decreasing heating costs.